11:00 AM11:00

Lunch & Learn at the schoolhouse - Queen Bee Apiary

  • Camas Country Bakery and Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Karen Finley & Ted Buford owners of Queen Bee Honey Co.will be sharing their incredible knowledge and expertise on our most important pollinators. Fascinating presentation noting especially the role bees play in crop pollination in the fields of Linn, Benton, Polk, Lane counties and beyond.

 Signups & payment ($12)for L&L are at the bakery or by calling 541-225-5640.

Limited seating. Lunch (soup & fresh bread) served 11-11:30 presentation 11:30-12:30.

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11:00 AM11:00

Lunch & Learn at the schoolhouse - Rivers Dahlias

  • Camas Country Bakery and Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Rosie and Gene will be delighting us with their entertaining & educational prowess of all things dahlias in particular and flower growing in general. Award winning at local, state and national levels, their knowledge base of propagating by seed, tuber, color, bloom, etc…is astounding.

Signups & payment ($12)for L&L are at the bakery or by calling 541-225-5640.

Limited seating. Lunch (soup & fresh bread) served 11-11:30 presentation 11:30-12:30.

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11:00 AM11:00

Lunch & Learn at the bakery - Fern Ridge Dam, Lake, Reservoir The Army Corps of Engineers

  • Camas Country Bakery and Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Army Corps of Engineers will be in the Schoolhouse giving us the history, the mechanics and engineering feat of Fern Ridge Dam et al.

We look forward to learning about this formidable structure, its ecosystems and upkeep…all in our own “backyard”.


Limited seating Prepay and signup in advance at the Bakery or by phone, 541-225-5640 Lunch (soup & fresh bread) served 11-11:30 Presentation 11:30-12:30.  $12

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11:00 AM11:00

Lunch & Learn at the bakery - One Room Schoolhouses

  • Camas Country Bakery and Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Randy Gudeika with Lane County History Museum will be presenting historical and anecdotal information on the iconic one room schoolhouses in Lane Co.

Randy will be capitalizing on our own 1888 building. Join us for an engaging walk back in time on these early learning/community institutions. Randy has been leading numerous history walks throughout Lane Co and has a depth of knowledge you’ll appreciate

Limited seating Prepay and signup in advance at the Bakery or by phone, 541-225-5640 Lunch (soup & fresh bread) served 11-11:30 Presentation 11:30-12:30.  $12

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11:00 AM11:00

Lunch & Learn at the schoolhouse - Looking at the Soundtracks of Our Lives, Bill Kelsey

  • Camas Country Bakery and Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Looking at the Soundtracks of Our Lives Bill Kelsey, noted local musician and music historian will take us on a journey of songs that have shaped, inspired and delighted our lives. Historically, music has played an important role in every culture.

A guaranteed engaging presentation not to miss to “soothe the soul”.

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11:00 AM11:00

Lunch & Learn at the schoolhouse - Everything you wanted to know about birds, but were afraid to ask

  • Camas Country Bakery and Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“Everything you wanted to know about birds, but were afraid to ask”

Dick Lamster, past president of Audobon Society of Lane Co. & Mt. Pisgah Arboretum will be sharing his extensive expertise on birds…a birder for over 50 years, with a lifetime bird list of over 3,000 species! An impressive resume not to miss hearing about.

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11:00 AM11:00

Lunch & Learn at the bakery - Northwest Dog Project

November 26  Northwest Dog Project Calling all dog/ animal lovers. Northwest Dog Project will be presenting on their incredible dog rescue & rehab organization. A lot is happening on their 20 acres on the outskirts of Eugene. A worthwhile nonprofit to learn about and support.

Lunch $12 11-11:30 Soup and homemade bread Presentation 11:30-12:30

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11:00 AM11:00

Lunch & Learn at the bakery - Local Artists "Symphony in Clay"

November Lunch & Learn

Tuesday 11/12.  Local artists Bets Cole and Karen Russo “Symphony in Clay” an artist team of painter, Bets Cole and sculptor, Karen Russo, were awarded a commission depicting the history of the Oregon State Fair. This 6 foot tile installation can be viewed for years to come at the Oregon State Fairgrounds in Salem.

This presentation of an incredible collaboration between the two mediums paint/design and clay tiles is not to be missed.

Lunch $12 11-11:30 Soup and homemade bread Presentation 11:30-12:30

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12:30 PM12:30

Pie Baking Contest and Social

  • Camas Country Bakery and Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Get your pie baking talents ready for our 5th Pie Baking Contest. Claim the title of the “Best Camas Country Pie” using our whole grain flours.

4 categories. Apple, Berry, Cherry and Specialty

Limited entries. Information/guidelines at the bakery. 541-225-5640. Deadline for registering 10/26.

Not a baker? Come anyway and eat pie! Delight in a slice $4 or alamode $5

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11:00 AM11:00

Lunch & Learn at the School House - Rosie the Riveters

  • Camas Country Bakery and Store (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a delicious soup and freshly baked bread lunch with an hour presentation on interesting topics.

Meet Dolly and her gals. A few of the millions of women who took over the gaps left by men who were off fighting WWII. Working in factories, shipyards, and elsewhere in defense production these women were instrumental in the war effort on the home front.

Register and pay in advance. Limited to 25 people. $12 per person. Sign up at the Camas Bakery. 541-225-5640

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